isaac's brain

Health is a very complex topic. On this page I hope to lay out some of what I think are the most important ideas regarding health in general but also specifically focused on longevity, energy, happiness, and creativity.

To start I want to talk about the question of whether health ideas can be generalized across populations. It seems to me that biologically, we are very similar in the grand scheme of things. This leads to people thinking that we can all eat the same and get basically the same outcomes. I think this could be close to the truth but the issue is, that would require everyone coming from the same starting point when in reality, we are all at very different points in our health. We have varying bacteria, vaccines, metabolisms, etc.. and all of these things lead to varied reactions to the same foods. What this means is, it may be true that there are ideal diets for humans but finding out what they are, and then getting everyone to the same baseline of health so that it works for everyone is a different story.

Even so, we can still have good explanations as to what food is mostly good and mostly bad for us and this is what I hope to share alongside personal stories and experiments.

I think we have a lot of in-built knowledge which shows up in many unconscious and conscious ways one of which is taste. Food tastes good to us for a reason and I see it as our body's way of expressing what it is lacking. People think that eating for taste would lead them to just eat junk fast food all the time but when this is actually implemented and access to a wide variety of foods are provided, we tend to basically meet all of our nutrient requirements and improve on a wide variety of biomarkers even if this means eating a lot of ice-cream at first (which may be due to a deficiency in something that is present in ice-cream whether that's sugar or calcium or something else).